Total Tools 53
Update time
- Regularly
- Sometimes
- Discontinued
- Replaced
- Open-source (EPL)
- Open-source (GPL)
- Open-source (ASL)
- Open-source (BSD)
- Open-source (MIT)
- Open-source (other licences)
- Freely available for research in binary form
- Commercially available
- Free evaluation licence
Target Audience
- Used in academic
- Used in industry
Technical Support
- Complete support
- Limited-support
- No support
- Obfuscate
- Read-only/Locked models
- No support
Supporting Resources
- Tutorial/User Guide
- Examples
- Wiki-page
- Website
- Forum/Community
- No support
Update time
Modeling Languages
- GPM (UML 1.x)
- GPM (UML 2.x)
- GPM (SysML)
- DSM (Petri Nets)
- DSM (Programming Languages)
- GPM (xUML)
- No support
- Other modeling languages
Model Comparison
- Homogeneous Models
- Heterogeneous Models
- Visual Results
- No support
- Textual Results
Model Query
- Support
- No Support
MetaModeling Environment
- Support
- No Support
Model Repositories
- Other model repositories
- No support
Compatibility with Standards
- QVTo
- QVTr
- QVTc
- QVT-Like
- DD Specification
- No support
Reverse Engineering
- Support
- No Support
Round-trip Engineering
- Support
- No Support
Metamodeling Languages
- Ecore
- KM3
- Other metamodeling languages
Modeling Languages
Model Transformation Language Syntax
- Graphical Concrete Syntax
- Textual Concrete Syntax
- M2M (In-place/Destructive)
- M2M (Out-place/Conservative)
- M2T (Textual artifacts)
- M2T (Source code)
- M2T (Database artifacts)
- 1-to-1
- 1-to-N
- N-to-1
- N-to-N
Rule Scheduling
- Form (Sequential/explicitly)
- Form (Not-sequential/implicitly)
- Rule Selection (Explicit condition)
- Rule Selection (Nondeterminism)
- Rule Selection (Conflict resolution)
- Rule Selection (Interactive)
- Rule Iteration (Recursion-oriented)
- Rule Iteration (Looping-oriented)
- Rule Iteration (Fix-point-oriented)
- Phasing
- No support
Rule Organization
- Modularity
- Inheritance
- Logical composition
- No support
Rule Application Control
- Deterministic
- Nondeterministic/concurrent
- Nondeterministic/one-point
- Interactive
- No support
- Exogenous transformations
- Endogenous transformations
- Multidirectional transformations
- Bidirectional transformations
- Unidirectional transformations
- Syntactic Correctness
- Termination
- Semantic Correctness
- Completeness
- Determinism/Uniqueness/Confluence
- Robustness
- Definedness
- No support
- Testing environment
- Simulation environment
- No support
- Automatic
- User-defined
- No support
Incremental Updates
- Support
- No support
Concurrent Transformations
- Support
- No support
Live/Active Transformations
- Support
- No support
Transformation Suggestion
- Support
- No support
Changeability of Model Transformation
- Access transformations
- Add transformations
- Update transformations
- Delete transformations
Model Transformation Language Syntax
User Experience
User Interface
- Graphical
- Command-line
- No support
Workspace and Project Management
- Support
- No Support
Syntax Editor
- Syntax Highlighting
- Auto Formatting
- Code Completion
- Code Navigation
- Folding
- No Support
Semantic Editor
- Re-factoring
- Error and warning Detection
- Quick Fixes Suggestion
- Debugger
- Reference Resolution
- Automatic Build systems
- Profiler
- No support
Level of Automation
- Manually
- Semi-automatic
- Automatic
Programming Style
- Similar to Programming Languages
- Similar to Script Languages
- Mathematical/Algebraic-based
- Logic-based
Automatic Reporting
- Support
- No support
User Interface
Collaboration Support
Teamwork Support
- Multi-users
- Multi-projects
- No Support
Re-usability Technique
- Composition
- Orchestration
- Decomposition
- Generic
- No Support
- Version Control Systems (VCSs)
- Import/Export
- No Support
- Support
- No Support
Teamwork Support
Runtime Requirements
Operating System
- Windows
- Linux/Unix
- Mac
Execution Environment
- Plugin for Eclipse
- Integrated/Dependent in Other IDE
- No IDE support
- Standalone APP
Execution Model
- Interpreter-based
- Compiler-based/Code Generator
Has External Dependencies
- No External Dependencies
- be a Part of A Larger Tool Set
Operating System
Mitra2 is an operational model-to-model language, integrated into the Eclipse IDE. It supports ecore (EMF) based models, particularly Eclipse UML2 based models. It provides certain features useful for model transformations, such as OCL collections, and multiple return parameters.
. . .Xpand
Xpand is a language specialized on code generation based on EMF models.
. . .Henshin
Henshin provides a model transformation language for the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Henshin supports both direct transformations of EMF single model instances (endogenous transformations), and translation of source model instances into a target language (exogenous transformations).
QVTR-XSLT is a model transformation tool that provides support for QVT Relations in a graphical notation and automatic transformation execution. It consists of a QVT Relations graphical editor and a code generator.
. . .PTL (Prolog based Transformation Language)
PTL uses ATL-style rules which combined with logic rules to define transformations.
. . .Together
Borland is a set of Eclipse plugins which partially implements the QVTo language. The tool helps business and development teams to analyze and design software architectures.
. . .QVTo (QVT Operational)
The Eclipse QVT Operational component is an implementation of the Operational Mappings Language defined by Meta Object Facility™ (MOF™) 2.0 Query/View/Transformation™ (QVT™).
. . .ATOM3 (A Tool for Multi-formalism and Meta-Modelling)
In AToM3, formalisms and models are described as graphs. From a meta-specification (in the ER formalism) of a formalism, AToM3 generates a tool to visually manipulate (create and edit) models described in the specified formalism. Model transformations are performed by graph rewriting. The transfo . . .
VMTS (Visual Modeling and Transformation System)
VMTS is a graph-based, domain-specific (meta)modeling and model processing framework. The system provides a graphical interface for defining, customizing, and utilizing languages.
. . .TGG Interpreter
The TGG Interpreter Tool Suite provides tools for the specification and execution of Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs)-based model-to-model (M2M) transformations and model synchronization within the Eclipse platform.
. . .Merlin
Merlin is an Eclipse plugin, based on EMF JET Templates and Mapping model whose goal is to ease the process of automating the code generation and model transformation.
. . .Jamda (Java Model-Driven Architecture)
Jamda is an open-source framework for building application generators which create Java code from a model of the business domain.
. . .TXL
TXL is a programming language specifically designed to support computer software analysis and source transformation tasks.
. . .PETE (Eclipse Prolog EMF Transformation Engine)
PETE supports the transformation of models based on the EMF Ecore framework using a declarative, rule-based description of transformation operations.
. . .Tefkat
Tefkat implements a declarative model transformation language suitable for Model-Driven Development (MDD) and data transformation. It is implemented as an Eclipse plugin that leverages the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) to handle models based on MOF, UML2, and XML Schema.
. . .Melange
Melange is a language workbench that provides a modular approach for customizing, assembling and integrating multiple domain-specific language (DSL) specifications and implementations.
. . .JQVT
JQVT is a QVT engine which targets the Java type system instead of EMF/Ecore. The JQVT generator generates Java code from a JQVT script.
. . .MoTMoT (Model driven, Template based, Model Transformer)
MoTMoT is based on the story driven modeling (SDM) language for graph rewriting.
. . .Eclectic
Eclectic is a transformation tool designed as a family of model transformation languages, that is, a set of transformation languages each one specifically designed to address a specific transformation concern.
. . .MetaEdit+
MetaEdit+ is an environment for creating and using Domain-Specific Modeling languages.
. . .Actifsource
Actifsource supports the creation of multiple domain models which can be linked together. It comes with a UML-like graphical editor to create domain specific languages and a general graphical editor to edit structures in the created languages. It supports code generation using user-defined . . .
ModTransf is a model to model transformation engine. It accepts models in XMI, XML or graph of objects as inputs and outputs.
. . .ATOMPM (A Tool for Multi-Paradigm Modelling)
AToMPM is an open-source framework for designing DSML environments, performing model transformations, and manipulating and managing models. It runs completely over the web.
. . .Fujaba (From UML to Java and back again)
Fujaba is an open source CASE tool providing developers with support for model-based software engineering and re-engineering.
. . .ModelAnt
ModelAnt is an extension of Apache ANT to create, load, update and query models and meta-models, through industry standard technologies and Java APIs.
. . .UML-RSDS (The Reactive System Development Support)
A tool to support agile model-based development using UML
. . .MOMoT (Marrying Search-Based Optimization and Model Transformations)
MOMoT is a framework that combines model-driven engineering (MDE) techniques with search-based optimization (population-based search and local search) to solve highly complex problems on model level.
. . .MDWorkbench
MDWorkbench provides users with a Java programming environment to define any model transformation using a set of rules expressed in Java.
. . .Xtend
Xtend is a statically-typed programming languages for Java developers. It leverages Java's typesystem and reuses its syntax as far as possible, but cuts down the amount of boilerplate you have to write. It compiles to readable Java source code and supports advanced language constructs
. . .GRoundTram (Graph Roundtrip Transformation)
GRoundTram is built upon a bidirectional framework, and is equipped with a language for coding bidirectional model transformation, a new tool for validating both models and bidirectional model transformations, an optimization mechanism for improving efficiency, and a debugging environment for tes . . .
Umple is a modeling tool and programming language family to enable Model-Oriented Programming. It adds abstractions such as Associations, Attributes and State Machines derived from UML to object-oriented programming languages such as Java, C++, PHP and Ruby.
. . .SiTra (Simple model Transformations)
SiTra is a simple Java library for supporting a programming approach to writing transformations aiming to, firstly use Java for writing transformations, and secondly, to provide a minimal framework for the execution of transformations.
. . .Blu Age
Blu Age consists of a set of plugins namely Reverse, Forward, Data and Data Base, and Analyzer.
. . .UMLX
UMLX is a concrete graphical syntax to complement the OMG QVT model transformation language.
. . .VIATRA (VIsual Automated model TRAnsformations)
The VIATRA framework supports the development of model transformations with specific focus on event-driven, reactive transformations and offers a language to define transformations and a reactive transformation engine to execute certain transformations upon changes in the underlying model. < . . .
BOTL (Bidirectional Object oriented Transformation Language)
BOTL is a tool for object-oriented model transformations. It offers the ability to use graphical description techniques and algorithmic descriptions integrated to graphically define a set of mapping rules.
. . .AGE (Agile Generative Environment)/RubyTL
AGE is a Model Driven Development tool based on Ruby and Eclipse. AGE is heavily based on embedded DSLs, being Ruby the host language. The tool core, written in Ruby, is called RubyTL. Also, the user interface is an Eclipse RCP application.
. . .Kermeta 2
Kermeta 2 is the evolution of Kermeta workbench. This is a metaprogramming environment based on an model-oriented language optimized for metamodel engineering and DSL engineering.
. . .medini QVT
medini QVT is a toolset for model to model transformations. The core engine implements OMG's QVT Relations standard.
. . .Epsilon
Epsilon is a family of languages and tools for code generation, model-to-model transformation, model validation, comparison, migration and refactoring that work with EMF and other types of models.
. . .GReAT (Graph Rewriting And Transformation)
GReAT is a tool for building model transformation tools using graph transformation techniques. GReAT uses metamodels to specify the abstract syntax of the input and the target models (i.e. the modeling languages), and sequenced graph rewriting rules for specifying the transformation itself.
. . .ATL (ATLAS Transformation Language)
ATL is a model transformation language and toolkit. In the field of MDE, ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set of source models. It can be used to provide the bridge between standards and tools, to refactor models, to refine conceptual models into a more detail view, . . .
Groove (GRaph- based Object-Oriented VErification)
GROOVE is a project centered around the use of simple graphs for modeling the design-time, compile-time, and run-time structure of object-oriented systems, and graph transformations as a basis for model transformation and operational semantics.
. . .ModelMorf
ModelMorf supports specification and execution of model transformations in the QVT-relations language.
. . .Echo
Echo is a tool for model repair and transformation based on the Alloy model finder, with support for bidirectional model transformations. It is able to both check and recover, through minimal updates, both intra- and inter-model consistency, and is built over the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). . . .
Enterprise Architect
Enterprise Architect is a visual modeling and design tool based on the OMG UML. The platform supports, the design and construction of software systems; modeling business processes; and modeling industry based domains.
. . .GrGen.NET
GrGen.NET is a programming productivity tool for graph transformation, which eases the modification of graph-based representations.
. . .Acceleo
Acceleo is an open-source code generator that allows people to use a MDD approach to building applications. It is an implementation of the "MOFM2T" standard, from the Object Management Group (OMG), for performing model-to-text transformation.
. . .AGG (The Attributed Graph Grammar System)
AGG is a development environment for attributed graph transformation systems supporting an algebraic approach to graph transformation. It aims at specifying and rapid prototyping applications with complex, graph structured data.
. . .MoTE (Model Transformation Engine)
MoTE allows to model Triple Graph Grammars and perform model transformations and synchronizations on models based on the EMF. While model transformation always creates a new target model, a model synchronization propagates only changes from the source to the target model.
. . .Modelio
Modelio as a successor of Objecteering is a modeling tool based on UML and BPMN.
. . .eMoflon
eMoflon is a tool for building tools. It allows to model software systems using a visual or a textual syntax, afterwards generating EMF-compliant Java code from the model.
. . .MagicDraw
MagicDraw is a visual UML, SysML, BPMN, and UPDM modeling tool with team collaboration support. Designed for business analysts, software analysts, programmers, and QA engineers.
. . .MOLA (MOdel transformation LAnguage)
MOLA Tool is designed as a freeware tool for supporting research and development in the MDA and MDSD areas. Main components of MOLA Tool are: Graphical editor for metamodel and MOLA procedures, MOLA compiler set which generates C++ or Java code, and MOLA runtime environment.
. . .DSLTrans
DSLTrans is a visual language and a tool for model transformations.
. . .JTL (Janus Transformation Language)
JTL is based on a bidirectional model transformation language specifically designed to support non-bijective transformations and change propagation.
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